Win your own LEGO space shuttle

Entering could not be easier

Watch the below video and answer the question below based on what Werner and Jamie are talking about.

Between 2:26 and 3 minutes in the below video, the discussion is around using File Systems and other software to manage content, the question is based on that conversation.

Simply watch the video and fill out the form below it with the correct answer to enter. The winner will be contacted by email on January the 7th and their prize sent directly to them.

Why xECM for Engineering?

OpenText™ Content Management for Engineering accelerates exchange, collaboration, accessibility and project completion to increase asset uptime revenues. The solution efficiently controls engineering information, work processes and risk across the life-cycle. Through deep integration with Enterprise Asset Management systems, it ensures project, operations and maintenance personnel have access to content in context.

Keep projects on track, protect IP, secure access and extend functionality to support your teams using xECM for Engineering.

Who are Turnpikes?

Turnpikes is a team of people across the globe who specialize in supporting business processes in the finance and information management spaces. Offering consultancy and software to clients who have complex and challenging requirements.

Our experience in distributing, implementing and maintaining or upgrading OpenText software comes from spending years working with them. We have been through many different scenarios with clients from across a vast range of industries.

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